How to make sure your perfume isn’t fake!
2 minute read
Which one of these do you think is fake? Wrong answers only.
The perfume industry has a high amount of regulation it adheres to. This ensures that the product you’re applying is safe for your skin and is not causing allergens to wreak havoc. Not only is buying a fake fragrance one of the most soul destroying things to happen but you also don’t know what you’re putting on yourself!
Sometimes you have to trust your intuition for when a product seems fake, but hopefully these tips help you to realise when something isn’t right!
First and Foremost
If it seems too good to be true, well, that’s because it is!
If it seems too good to be true, then it is! Always use your discretion when it comes to ‘bargain’ pricing. Make sure you are only buying from sellers with excellent feedback scores on sites like Amazon or eBay. Make sure you’re using trusted sites in general!
Places like Facebook Marketplace usually involves transferring payments via PayPal, where people often request that you select the Friends & Family (F&F) option. Remember, if you send the seller a payment and they don’t deliver your items or give you a fake item in return, Paypal will not help you in this scenario, you only have the ability to claim a refund when you use the Goods & Services function.
Make sure you never use the F&F function unless you 100% trust the seller!
It’s all in the details
Is this bottle of Coach for Men real or fake? 🤔
This may seem obvious, but make sure you see genuine products in stores before you go to buy them online. See what the packaging looks like, experience what the scent is like, how long it should last for and pay attention to the atomiser (the sprayer on the perfume)! High end brands like Chanel will pay extra money for atomisers with a special distribution that is hard to replicate.
To ensure you don’t have a counterfeit, the answer all lies in the details. The most notorious one being cellophane wrapping around the box. Fake products don’t have tight cellophane wrapping around the box, its loose and poorly done most of the time! Look at the below photos to see more examples of things to look out for!
The quality of the box - notice that it is textured and the company will use high quality paperboard that does not feel thin or flimsy.
The detailing inside the box - notice the illustrations under the top cover and the ‘grooves’ inside the box that ‘cushion’ the fragrance while it’s in transit.
The bottom of the packaging - Make sure the fragrance ingredients are listed out and that the batch code is the same for the bottle and packaging!
Finishing Thoughts
Apart from recommending to look out for any irregularities in the perfume bottle itself or making sure the brand name is spelled correctly (Dior Sausage anyone?🌭), the main suggestion I have for you is that you only buy from trusted sellers, even if you have to spend a bit extra to have peace of mind.
Hopefully you never have to deal with the heartbreak of getting a counterfeit, but these tips should help you out anyway! Did I miss any tips on here guys, how else do you ensure you have a genuine product? Make sure to comment down below!
Until next time,